What question you’re asking?
Well, as most of you know Friday I released my NEW WEBSITE that I am still drooling over and I also made a pretty big announcement. I am only exclusivley photographing weddings and seniors next year. The question that I have been asked is “WHY!!!” and I am more than happy to answer.
As I stated in the original announcement that you can read here…life is short you guys. It’s so short! We are only here for a very brief moment in time and I’ve realized this. This past year alone I was so overwhelmed with business and I am not saying that is bad thing. I am thankful and I am GRATEFUL beyond measure. When I started looking at my life I started realizing I am missing out on a lot. I would wake up, drink coffee, go to my part time job as the graphic designer for the SVHEC, come home, edit for a couple hours, make blog posts, make plans to social media for the business, drive to a session for an hour to two, come home, throw a quick meal in the oven, say hey to my husband, sit down at my desk and eat the food while also uploading previews to Facebook and by the time I would be done with that…I would exhausted and go to bed. Doesn’t this sound crazy? Cause it IS crazy!!! ALL my time was focused on my business and none of the other areas that needed TLC…like actually doing laundry for once…cooking a HEALTHY meal…cleaning…being with family…and everything in between.
Why don’t I just quit the other job? Well, funny story is…I LOVE that job too! I know that sounds like an easy solution, but I get to make an impact on students seeking a career in Graphic Design and Photography. Students that sat where I sat and didn’t know what road to take in life. I get to encourage them. I get to tell them “YOU CAN DO THIS” and that’s priceless to me. THAT is where I started with my photography career.
So, I sat down and took a good hard look at what I could do to focus my business and not do everything under the sun. By that I mean, where does my heart want to go with this business? Weddings and Seniors was the answer.
Why weddings? Well, I don’t think it’s any secret I LOVE LOVE LOVE photographing weddings. It makes my heart burst with joy to be able to capture those sparks of love between two human beings. I mean, it’s incredible!!! And it is also A LOT of hard work too! It’s really no joke either!!! If you’re committing to weddings, you are COMMITTING to the time you have to spend on them and any business owner knows that you have to give it your all or nothing. I want to make it an EXPERIENCE for my #YAYHCPBRIDES because it’s A BIG DEAL you guys!!! I mean, they aren’t just investing money in their wedding, they are investing a lot of time making sure every last detail is just perfect and I want to make sure I am available to my brides to help them with ANYTHING they need!!!
Why Seniors? Well, let me say I had my senior portraits made at Wal-Mart!!! HAHA! Is that not funny? I think it is! They were actually decent photos too! But even then I felt like the photos I took as a senior weren’t really about ME as a person. They were just photos of me (I really hope that made sense). In my years of business and working with seniors I grew to love that I work with my seniors and together we get to make these sessions all about the girl or the guy behind the camera. We get to talk about what clothes they’ll wear. What locations they want to go to that speak to their personalities. We talk about their lives and what THEY love to do. It’s…something that I hold close to my heart because I want nothing more than these teenagers to feel GOOD about themselves!
Why Nothing Else? Again, like I said in the previous post…it was HARD to make the final decision, but I knew that if I took on just those two alone in the way I want to take them on, that I wouldn’t be available to do anything else. Available meaning, spiritually and emotionally. It’s not that I don’t like taking family portraits, children’s portraits, and anything else. TRUST ME I love them so much!!! I have been BLESSED to have the families I’ve had come to me for portraits. They are seriously some of the sweetest people…and I am not speaking lightly. I am telling you, they have made impacts on my life and my business. Side note: there is something in the works for the future that I have never done before…let’s hope everything goes as planned next year…
Ultimately, I told myself I had to decide and so I made the final decision. I am scared. I am scared to death actually. What if this doesn’t work? What if it was a BAD decision for my business? Someone told me once…
“If your fears are bigger than your dreams, maybe your dreams aren’t big enough”
and that’s what makes me want this more than anything.